7 Summer Maintenance Tips for Outdoor Landscape Lighting

        Summer means more fun with family, friends, and loved ones. Extend summertime fun with outdoor landscape lighting! It’s just the thing to enhance outdoor spaces and make them the perfect environment for a dinner party, game night, or backyard camping trip. To ensure that the outdoor lighting system won’t ruin any summertime fun, it’s essential to keep up with its maintenance.

        This week’s blog offers seven essential tips for summer maintenance of outdoor landscape lighting systems, ensuring that the lighting system operates at the optimal level and keeps the fun going.


Benefits of Outdoor Landscape Lighting in the Summer


        Summer’s warm weather breeds a desire for more time outdoors. Who doesn’t enjoy basking in the sun, surrounded by food, family, friends, and loved ones? Installing outdoor landscape lighting to an outdoor space provides many benefits such as:


  • Extending an outdoor space’s usability: Outdoor landscape lights have transformed outdoor spaces such as decks and patios, into a convenient and stylish venue for outdoor gatherings with friends, family, and loved ones for after the sun sets.  
  • Enhancing aesthetics: Up lights and well lightscan highlight an outdoor space’s unique features, ensuring that its beauty doesn’t get lost in the dark.
  • Increasing safety and security: The dark can hide hazards or other dangers. Outdoor landscape lights such as step lights or hardscape lights can illuminate them in the dark, ensuring safe navigation through the space. They can also keep a property well-lit, which would be a deterrent for trespassers.


        With all these benefits, it’s clear to see that outdoor landscape lighting is a worthwhile investment.


7 Tips for Maintaining Outdoor Landscape Lighting in the Summer


        Follow the seven tips for maintaining outdoor landscape lighting during the summer to ensure it remains operational and functional all summer long.


  1. Inspect for Damage: Be sure the lights are turned off before doing a thorough inspection to prevent harm or injury. Look out for wear and tear or damages such as cracked bulbs, loose wiring, or water damage.
  2. Replace any Damaged Items: Catching these issues and replacing them early on will prevent costly issues.
  3. Secure Wiring Connections: Replace any loose, frayed, or exposed wiring and secure it as soon as possible.  
  4. Clean Fixtures: Clean off dirt, dust, and debris from light fixtures regularly with a soft cloth and a mild soap solution. This will ensure they are shining bright.
  5. Trim Overgrown Plants: Leaves, branches, and other flora can block the light. Keep vegetation at a comfortable distance from light fixtures so the outdoor landscape lighting system continues to function effectively and reduce risk of damage.
  6. Realign Crooked Fixtures: Weather conditions, mowing practices, or careless outdoor play can cause light fixtures to be misaligned. Set the light fixtures to their intended positions to continue receiving the desired lighting.
  7. Evaluate Current Light Pollution Levels: Be mindful of light pollution and light trespass. Check to see that the light is directed downward or illuminating only the intended areas. Use lighting accessories such as glare guards to avoid casting unwanted glare.   


Shop High-Quality Outdoor Lighting at LightCh8in


        Summer is the best time of the year to be outside and spend time with friends and loved ones. With outdoor landscape lighting, the fun doesn’t stop at sunset, in fact it’s just beginning! Keeping up with regular maintenance of outdoor landscape lighting fixtures and components will ensure that it remains operational and at an optimal level throughout the summer and for as long as possible.

         A LightCh8in membership offers many benefits for lighting professionals. Enjoy free shipping on orders over $500, quarterly and yearly credit rewards, and high-quality outdoor lighting fixtures, bulbs, and accessories that are perfect for any outdoor landscape lighting project.